Here is a part of a prayer by Vaz Sriharan from his book Sacred Prayers; it sums up my personal and continued journey and the purpose of my desire to journey with you, a beautiful child of the Divine, child of GOD, Source, Spirit.
“As we recognize we simply desire love, acceptance & validation, to be held in the arms of the divine, and to be told we are beautiful. I ask for the innocence, of Source, to bathe us with your purity, and to bring love and acceptance, to how we see ourselves. I ask for you to see yourself, as beautiful vibrant, wonderful being that you are.”
This is my prayer for you and for me! I have struggled and still struggle! The reality of this prayer is that we may not realize this truth all at once, for love, light, and life are a journey! So with this prayer, I seek to experience wisdom (eagna) as my daily walk.
I found this explanation of wisdom on a Buddhist studies site, and it fully resonates with me, Ven S. Dhammika writes, and I paraphrase:
- Wisdom is knowing and accepting that all things are incomplete, impermanent, and not always about me…
- Wisdom is to directly see and understand for ourselves, not simply believing what we are told…
- Wisdom is to keep an open mind…
- Wisdom is listening to other points of view…
- Wisdom is to carefully study and ponder facts that contradict our beliefs…
- Wisdom is to take time to form our opinions and beliefs…
- Wisdom is to always be ready to change our beliefs when life-giving facts that contradict them are presented to us…
- Wisdom is with and in the eternal flow and energies of love, light, and life…
(A basic Buddhism guide: wisdom and compassion,1996-2023)
For me, this explanation is my truth. For me, faith is always ebbing and flowing, never stagnant, and always ready to receive. For me, faith is trusting and fully experiencing wisdom (eagna) as the beginning, the continuation, and an eternal engagement with and in GOD’s love, light (Christ), and life (Spirit).
I AM a spiritual being, on a journey within a human experience.
- I am Intuitive; Claircognizance and Clairempathy are my strongest abilities…
- I utilize hypnosis, meditation, and tarot cards for spiritual mentoring sessions, as desired by the person I am working with…
- My focus within using these tools is to always be centered on a person’s spiritual journey…
- I am a gay man, married to my husband of almost 10 years, together for almost 15 years…
- I am a dad to a beautiful daughter, 30 years of age…
- I am empathetic about the plight of homelessness and food insecurity in our communities…
- I was part of three different food pantries within the city of Philadelphia, volunteering weekly to serve families with food insecurities…
- Since moving to Minnesota, I have been working to get connected in this community...
- I am a writer and working on beginning a vlog…
- I am engaging to bring Source’s love, light, and life to those seeking diverse experiences engaging with GOD, Spirit…
- I am a post-Christian with a Master of Divinity Degree – concentration in Multi-Cultural Studies, from the United Lutheran Seminary, 2018…
- I was ordained within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) June 2018, leaving in April 2023…
- I am currently ordained and an inter-faith minister within the Universal Life Church…
I understand myself as a post-Christian eagna catholic…
- holding to the teachings of Christ-Jesus as found in the Bible and other sources…
- seeking wisdom as the heart of my spiritual walk within love, light, and life…
- mentoring with and in a universalist approach to spirituality, as I teach in love and light and life…
- I affirm life-giving sacred traditions are found within all spiritual expressions throughout the universe: Wiccan, Pagan, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, and so many, many more…
- Our ancestors passed down life-giving rituals, spells, incantations, and many other expressions of their faith, as a record of the past, for modifications in the present, and within experiences for the traditions of the future…
- I will always honor and revere our life-giving ancestry and the light - energies of our loved ones…
- I affirm the life-giving traditions held with, and in the sacraments, as tangible ways, we can experience and touch the face of GOD with and in body, mind, and spirit… Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Anointing, Blessed Union (aka Holy Matrimony), Blessed Calling (aka Holy Orders)…
- I affirm the life-giving traditions held with and in the honoring and adoration of Mary, the Mother of Christ-Jesus, the Theotokos (Greek for Mother of GOD)…
- I affirm the life-giving traditions held with and in the honoring and adoration of our ancestors (aka the saints)…
- I affirm the communion of ancestors (aka communion of saints) is real and present in our reality…
- We are one with all who have passed on, all who are present with us, and all who are yet to experience this realm…
- Prayer is the connection and communion of all realms, as a oneness of all things in GOD’s love (aka the kingdom of GOD)…
- When we pray, meditate, or sit in spirit, we are physically stepping into the ebb and flow of Source…
- When we pray, we may converse with GOD, we may chat with a loved one, we may ask for help from our ancestors, and we may seek guidance from our spirit guides and angels…
- When we pray, meditate, or sit in spirit, we open ourselves up to the connectedness between our light and the light of all with and in Source, GOD…
- Yes, it is OKAY to pray with Mary, the mother of Jesus, and Aunt Maurice, my great-aunt, and St Francis of Assisi, my favorite saint — yes, it is OKAY to converse, ask for help, seek guidance, and connect with, our loved ones, our ancestors…
- Yes, humans use images, statues, stained glass, crystals, incense, and many other tools, to remind us of our loved ones, our ancestors, and our spiritual journey of oneness…
- I affirm centering my devotion with and in the love, light, and life of Christ-Jesus and the faith of Christ-Jesus – not upon a church or institution… There is no need for an institution as a mediator between humanity and GOD, and yet there is benefit in gathering with and in eagna communities to share our faith with one another in safe spaces…
- I affirm many life-giving sacred writings from around the universe… The Bible is not the only or final authority for understanding GOD. GOD cannot and will not be contained within a book or be subjected to human dogmas, decrees, or doctrines…
- Within this, I will not allow myself to be challenged and demonized, based upon a person’s or an institution’s interpretations of what may be regarded as sacred writings…
- All scriptures, teachers, and prophets are to be interpreted through the lens of love (Christian Bible, Matthew 22:35–40)…
- I affirm reincarnation as the learning journey of a spirit, reborn into different times, places/realms, and cultures…
- Reborn to learn all aspects of love and how to be love…
- Reborn to fulfill pre-chosen roles within a lifetime…
- When reborn, we tend not to remember our past lives…
- Past-life regression is a process utilizing hypnosis to visit past lives…
- Resurrection is graduation from the cycle of reincarnation… (credit to my Uncle Scott Shay)
- Before entering into another lifetime, our spirit meets with our spirit team and those who will engage with us within the new lifetime.
- When we enter a new lifetime, we have angels and a spirit team who are there to guide and help us when we ask.
- We can engage with our spirit team, our angels, our ancestors, and GOD within any lifetime; we simply acknowledge their presence.
- I affirm my authority and faith:
- is informed with and in GOD, the Source and expression of all love, light, and life…
- is informed by the life-giving writings, traditions, rituals, sayings, prayers, and love, of those who have passed down their faith from all the universe…
- is informed by my own experiences, my struggles with GOD, my journey of faith, my education, and knowing…
- is constantly ebbing and flowing — I do not have all the answers; I am always learning, growing, and journeying with and in my Source, with and in the mystery of GOD and who I am…
Danny’s Creed: I further affirm that… I experience GOD/Creator as Love the very source and the pervasion of all love, light, and life with and in all that is seen and unseen…
- GOD is Mother and Father, I-AM and Creator, Universe and Source, Adonai and Allah, Master of Life and Master of Breath…
- GOD is experienced in three ways, also known as Trinity…
- GOD-LOVE - For GOD, Source, Creator is LOVE, everything begins in LOVE and in LOVE there is no end…
- CHRIST-LIGHT - Christ is the breath of Source, breathing light that pervades all creation… Christ is the consciousness of GOD’s light into all creation, all seen and unseen, the expressive force that illuminates GOD’s love, and our light from within our being…
- SPIRIT-LIFE (Holy Spirit) - Spirit is the breath of Source, breathing life that pervades all creation… Spirit is the ebbing and flowing of GOD’s life with and in all creation, all seen and unseen, the intimate force that allows all beings to discover and experience GOD’s love, light, and life here and now — as above, so below, as within, so without…
- GOD is One, GOD is mystery, GOD is wisdom, GOD is being, GOD IS…
I experience Christ as Light the very breath and light of GOD, pervading all time and space — with and in the love, light, and life of the human one named Jesus…
- Christ-Jesus:
- willingly comes from the heavenly realms, into human experience, with and in empathy with all humanity and creation…
- is GOD incarnate of Spirit and Mother Mary and is truly human and truly divine — within one being, one nature (monophysitism)…
- he teaches oneness, connectedness, wisdom, and the original blessing, and the dignity and divinity of all humanity and creation…
- he instructs us with and in the life-giving power of giving and receiving of forgiveness…
- he raises the dead, heals the sick, and feels creation’s longing…
- he embodies the practice of gratitude, prayer, meditation, sabbath…
- he mentors us with and in love, for ourselves, for our neighbor, for all creation, and thus love for the Source of all creation…
- he points us to our own radiant light, GOD with and in each of us…
- he heals, feeds, and enables life, wholeness, peace, joy…
- he amplifies our spirit’s longing to experience GOD in new and life-giving ways beyond religion and belief…
- Christ-Jesus’ resurrection and ascending reveal to us our freedom to be who we are: the very image and likeness of GOD — a “good, very good,” divine spark of GOD, Source (Hebrew Scriptures, Genesis 1:31)…
- Christ-Jesus’s life, death, resurrection, and ascending are not a sacrifice or atonement to appease an angry god… It is a communion in empathy with and in Source’s love, revealing a love that cannot die. Affirming the conquering of death, and our importance and our divinity with and in GOD…
I experience Spirit, aka Holy Spirit as Life, the very breath and life of GOD, stirring with and in all time and space, the nurturing and empowering force of All Love, All Light, and All Life…
- Spirit equips, supports, and teaches amidst life-giving: prophets, teachers, initiatives, mystics, witches, priests, priestesses, shamans… reminding us of all that our ancestors handed down and breathing into us new ways of experiencing and engaging GOD, Source…
- With and in the breath of Spirit, I affirm :
- GOD has many names and is experienced in all life-giving traditions and religious experiences of every time, culture, and faith…
- The absolute oneness and connectedness of all creation, all realms, all ancestors, all angels and beings — aka the communion of saints…
- The beautiful light and life of every being, as the image and likeness of GOD, pervading with and in the inclusion and equity of ALL: colors of skin, gender identities, ages, sexual orientations, physical or mental abilities, ethnicities, perspectives — this is the true “justice” of GOD...
- Spirit reminds us of the life-giving power of giving and receiving of forgiveness…
- Spirit breathes the life-giving reality of the resurrection and ascension of our true self: our love, our light, and our life — wholeness here and now — and in the realms to come.
This “creed” is not the end of the story… I end each thought with an ellipsis (…) because GOD is still speaking… The story of creation, the story of love, light, life is still flowing and ebbing forward… GOD will, indeed, provide you with an epiphany, a revealing that makes sense for you and will help another person make sense of GOD…
A Statement of Trust (“We” means all who wish to affirm with me, including my guides, ancestors, angels…)
We trust in God, Creator, Divine Source, Maker of all the heavens, universes, all that can be seen and unseen. God ebbs and flows as universal and innate Love; known and unknown, experienced and revealed, through many names and expressions—a mystery to be explored, realized and released from within our very being…
We trust in Christ, experienced as the light and essence of God, with and in the substance and harmony of all creation. Christ, in solidarity and empathy with all humanity, came into earthly existence in the person of Yeshu of Nazareth–-born of Spirit and Blessed Mary; truly human–truly divine, the image of God in humanity.
Yeshu’s teachings of innate love, light and life/wisdom:
…show us how to embody life-giving love, learning, and healing—a resurrection path…
…teach us that we are truly incarnate Christs, divine beings with the power to bring positive change and wholeness here and now…
…affirm with and in us, that our learning journey ebbs and flows within life-giving cooperation with our neighbor…
Yeshu’s only command is to love—be love!
Christ-Yeshu, because of his life-giving love towards the oppressed and marginalized of society, and his opposition to unjust rulers within society; is wrongly accused and sentenced to death, he is crucified, suffers death, and is buried. On the third day, God resurrects him from the dead—culminating the resurrection path, open to all. He then ascends into the heavens, sending his followers to teach, heal and embody life-giving, unconditional love—a love free from prejudice…
We trust in Spirit—Blessed Sophia, experienced as the life, the Wisdom of God. Spirit ebbs and flows, a stirring, nurturing, and life-giving force of abundant life and limitless Wisdom, with and in all times and spaces. Spirit—Blessed Sophia, reminds us of who we are and how our life-giving, innate love, illuminates the good in the world around us:
…empowering our human experiences…
…amplifying the life-giving and loving voices, traditions, and rituals of our ancestors, guides, and angels…
…and with our spirit communion, Spirit accompanies us through our reincarnations and the lessons we agree to learn within our incarnate resurrection journeys…
As above, so below, as within, so without, mote it be… blessed be… Amen…